Maby's picture

Hi, it's Maby

I am learning backend development. I love articles about programming and hydrology.

JS, html, css picture

Meet me

As a STEM graduated, I had the opportunity to explore the intersection of programming and environmental problem-solving, and discovered an enormous potential for technology to create innovative solutions to address a wide range of issues. From my first script for downloading a satellite image from Google Earth Engine, to my latest project using machine learning to forecast streamflow in the Marañon River, I have been captivated by the possibilities that technology presents.
However I came to realize that the most important step in creating truly impactful solutions is to make them available to everyone. That's why I have decided to study backend development - to learn how to deploy the models I create and make them accessible to people who need them. My ultimate goal is to use my skills to create real-world solutions that can help address the most pressing challenges we face.
I invite you to join this journey and create value through your work.

Web Development

Created projects using Express & Node.js, as well as Django, using basic html and css.

HTML CSS JavaScript Express Python Django


I am fascinated to share my thoughts through articles or tutorials.

Writting Edition


I joined Silabuz bootcamp to learn backend development. Also, I am self-studying ML.

freeCodeCamp Backend Development -- Silabuz Machine Learning

My Latest Projects

These are some of the projects I have been working on recently

Proyecto 1

Vet and pet house project

Proyecto 1

Pokedex project

Proyecto 1

Protfolio using Django

Proyecto 1

Streamflow forecasting

Prooject in development




Some testimonials from people I worked with

Let's talk!
Contact me to create your next app and stand out on the market